Script Coverage
Find out how a studio would review your script, and get an idea of what revisions you’ll need to make – before you submit it for real. Done by one of the shrewdest readers in the business, with solid commercial experience evaluating many properties, both movies and miniseries.
Feature films I’ve worked on have appeared in theaters and some of the many major TV networks.
The treatment is your one shot at grabbing the producer’s attention. Don’t blow the opportunity; get a pro to help you open that door. Character painting, structure, color and fire.
The first treatment I ever wrote was for a miniseries – which ABC greenlit: Arthur C. Clarke’s A Time Odyssey.

I hired Gail to review and critique a novel I had just completed. I was very pleased with her work. I received a thorough written analysis of the story detailing what worked in the story and clear recommendations for those areas that needed improvement. I will hire Gail again in the future and I highly recommend her services.
Jesus AlvarezReach Out
As a writer it pays to get an experienced read on your work before pitching executives. Please supply an email address where I can contact you, or use the optional message box.