Contact Me


Cell: (917) 270-9577

Office: (212) 343-2484

Mailing Address

281 Mott Street, Suite 4R
New York, N.Y. 10012

Gail Cooper is a brilliant writer; her words glow on the page. She’s our favorite reader, by far. Especially if she likes something, we can use her coverage to pitch a project and get it greenlit. She’s clear, enthusiastic, and colorful in her point of view and great at characterizing complex material…. She’s incisive and on target in her commentary and critiques.

Lynn Holst

Sr. V.P. of Development, Hallmark Entertainment / RHI Films / Sonar Entertainment

Reach Out

As a writer it pays to get an experienced read on your work before pitching executives. Please supply an email address where I can contact you, or use the optional message box.

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Gail Cooper

Script Doctoring Services

Gail Cooper

Script Doctoring Services

Gail Cooper

Script Doctoring Services

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Gail Cooper
Gail Cooper
Cell Phone

(917) 270-9577

Office Phone

(212) 343-2484

Mailing Address

281 Mott Street, 4R
New York, N.Y. 10012

Cell Phone

(917) 270-9577

Office Phone

(212) 343-2484

Mailing Address

281 Mott Street, 4R
New York, N.Y. 10012

Copyright 2018, Gail Cooper | Website by Mark Bello